Easy Houseplants to Grow
Houseplants are known to purify the air quality in your home. Unlike artificial plants real plants absorb hidden toxins such as carbon monoxide, relieve stress and add beauty to your home.
Spider Plants
The Spider plant is very easy to grow. They prefer bright light but not direct sunlight. A full grown spider plant will start to produce plantlets for you to regrow and purify your home.
Steps to replant :
Pothos Plants
The potho's plant is also an easy plant to regrow. Starting off with one plant and taking good care of it can land you on the road to a house full of plants.
As you can see cutting were taken from bigger plants and put in container to root. You can use water bottles, yogurt container or any plastic container to start off your plants. For more information on the Pothos plant click below. Pothos Plant |